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006. My Favorite Boss Babe Podcasts + WHY!

I am sure you have heard of podcasts by now, and if not, you need to do some reevaluating. My favorite place to listen to them is on the podcast app on my iphone, but most channels you can listen to on Spotify as well and they are completely FREE! I'm talking insane amounts of knowledge for literally zero dollars. But remember knowledge isn't power, ACTION is. We have all this knowledge at our fingertips, but nothing will change unless we take action to change it.

I have been putting this post off because I really wanted to do a top 5 podcasts, and honestly I only have three to share with you. Because the three I am sharing are out of this world amazing content that nothing else currently tops for me. We're talking mindset shifts, business tips, how to get rich, how to shake off the mom guilt, etc.

1. Manifestation Babe - Kathrin Zenkina is a literal goddess. She talks all about money mindset and how to turn your dreams into reality. There are so many amazing daily lifestyle tips that will literally transform your mind and your bank account, trust me i know this from firsthand experience.If you've ever heard of the 'law of attraction' and it sparked an interest, this podcast will literally light a FIRE inside you. Her channel is worth binge listening to (over and over again.)

2. KINZCOWORLD - Kinzie Madsen is the ultimate Boss BAE (Bad Ass Entrepreneur) and she has all the tips and tricks to help you run a successful business. Since implementing some of her knowledge into my life, I have totally up-leveled my game. I am now doubling my average monthly income and I am happier + learning to drive my dream clients right into my life. She teaches you things you barely fathom as to how you were doing things before you heard it. She is a force to be reckoned with and I am so grateful to have stumpled upon her presence.

3. Hair Love Radio - Elizabeth Faye is my mompreneur inspiration. I wasn't sure this podcast would be for me, as I am not a hair stylist, but she talks about sooooo much more than hair. And my favorite thing about her podcasts is how freaking real she is. Also, if you too are a business owning momma, you absolutely need to put her on your radar. Bad days are inevitable, especially within motherhood and she has helped me to feel not alone, all while inspiring me to be a better version of myself and get off the couch and get to work.

I hope you fins this post helpful. And I hope you binge listen to all these amazing ladies. I am not kidding when I say the information they share is life changing. I am over wasting my time watching youtube/netflix/etc. and podcasts + audiobooks have become my life. I can learn and have fun with these amazin ladies all at the same time. It's amazing! XO

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